So you've determined you NEED this, and it just isn't happening fast enough for your liking, well I've got just the thing.
The best way to make use of these is to find a mona with all the shapes you have, and get her to at least level 50, evo 3. This allows you to be able to farm NORMAL levels of storystages much quicker, as your mona will gain sp on her aoe, allowing her to aoe much more often.
If you are new and can't seem to complete stages very quickly, try farming on normal stages in phantom forest. There are 2-3 mons per row, allowing your team to kill them quickly, and normal only costs 3 energy, allowing you to complete more runs, for less time,
and since there is no increase in chance to find rares and such in high difficulties, you'll be able to complete your dreams of that evo. 3 light snowee.