Wednesday, January 4, 2017

How to get gold?

Having trouble making gold for all those evolution,ascensions, gem upgrades and the endless list of gold sinks?
Here is some help:


Currently the best way to gather gold is by selling gems. Depending no your level, and how far up in golem dungeon you can do, it is best to do golem from B4 and up. If you can not do B4 farm storystages to sell gems. You can also farm the "gold bonus" stage to get a bit more.
The more substats a gem has, the more money it is worth.

Gold dungeon, has to be one of the best money makers for lower levels, it has been changed to have less floors, less rounds, and less strength so that it is easier to beat in the lower levels, and gives you quite a bit of gold for energy and effort.


Catch missions are a more time consuming way of making money, but for catch 3-5 mons of a certain type you can get around 10,000 gold.


Releasing astromons is not a great profit, and may not yield gold, and instead fruit, but will yield you some potential emergency gold. It is not recommended to release 4 star mons.

Gold dungeon
