The image below was taken from take from the Thai MSL facebook page. All credit goes to my clan mate /u/K-0-0(Qwerti).
This page is the page presented when a player attempts to create a clan. The top left is for the clan name and the top right is for the clan banner. The middle box is for clan details that other will see when looking at the clan page. The time bow below is for setting the "battle time". I am not aware exactly what this is but I imagine it is for some sort of clan vs clan system. And the button at the very bottom is to pay for the creation of the clan, which is 1 million gold. Just a heads up for future clan masters to keep at least 1 million gold free for this.
Anyway, thanks again to my clan mate Qwerti for finding this and telling us.
Edit: proof thanks to DarkLinca from MoonShot clan: