What is a leader skill, you ask, a leader skill is a stat that is activated for your entire team, when you place that mon in the first slot of your attacking, or defending(think arena)team.
When your mon has a leader skill unlocked, the usually get a colour change, and the lock pictured, is not present. Each mon has their own leader skill, so make sure you check them to see what is best for your team.
The (3%) indicated to the side in the picture shows you the bonus to your leader skill, so instead of 15% in is, you guessed it, 15+3=18%, wow math! The highest bonus percent available is 5%.
Does my leader benefit from the leader skill?
Does the leader skill work if the leader dies?
Can you transfer leader skills?
Yes, simple use the variant astromon in evolution to give it to that mon.
How do you get a leader skill?
Currently the only way to obtain a leader skill is to summon the mon already with it, no variant gleems exist as of now.
Can you increase the bonus percent?
Yes! Though this method is not recommended if the mon is hard to obtain(4-5 star mons)
You simple click the mon if it is evo 3 and there will be a variant slot there to add the bonus percent, this can only be done if the bonus is more than the current percent. (Can't replace a 3% with a 2%)
If it is not evo 3, simple adding it to the evolution chain will give it the higher bonus stat.